How to say 'Happy Birthday' in other language

Most of the people send rose as a birthday flower, but do you know lily, lavender and daisy also can be your birthday flower? what about how to say 'Happy Birthday' in the different language, i have summary some languages for 'Happy Birthday'

English- of course 'Happy Birthday'
Albanian- Urime ditelindjen
Chinese (Mandarin)- sheng le kuai le
Danish- Tillykke med fodselsdagen
French- Joyeux Anniversaire
German- Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
Dutch- Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag
Indonesian- Selamat Ulang Tahun
Malaysian- Selamat Hari Jadi

Any other language?

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My neighbour pink colour asian orchid

Based on research, an orchid is from the largest group of living flower, 'orchidaceae' family. There are 35000 of different type of species with thousand more remain unknown. What colour of an orchid is depends on where they grow, for asian orchids usually are bright and multicolour such as pink and purple orchid. Orchid can be grown easily in all kind of soil with warm environment and plenty of sunlight.

Sunflowers in the fence basket

While i was reading newspaper this morning, suddenly i saw a basket of sunflowers beside the coffee table, may be l love flower so i felt joyful, warm, cheerful and comfortable when i look at it. Yellow colour also means happiness and caring. I bought this fake sunflowers long time ago so i wiped and cleaned it using soft cloth. This fence basket actually contains of 10 sunflowers and few lemon leaves. I think this can be the best gift for those who love yellow flower.

Tree "Guan Yin" or tree "Zhao Cai"

This small tree we called "Guan Yin Shu" or "Zhao Cai Shu". In chinese believe, "Guan Yin Shu" or "Zhao Cai Shu" will bring good luck, good wealth and good health to everybody in the family. Before reaching of chinese new year, this plant will be the best seller for chinese people specially for those who have this believe. Usually "Guan Yin Shu" or "Zhao Cai Shu" can grow up to few layers high, the higher the layers is, the long luck, wealth and health you will get. Usual price for this plant is less than RM$20, depends on the condition of the plant.

Different type of fake flower

This is one the photo i took when inside the hypermarket. All these are fake flowers where contains like roses, sunflowers, carnations, lilies and other type of flower. I think this is the best department in the whole hypermarket because of colourful and arrangement of flowers.

Fake congratulations flower

Yesterday was my off day, i brought my wife and my son to go for shopping at 3months old newly opened shopping centre. When i was waiting for my wife to buy clothes while carrying my son, i noticed at the corner of fashion boutique has one fake congratulations flower like a real flower. May be because of the shop lights made the fake congratulations flower does not looks like fake. I am quickly took a photo of this flower bouquet. The bouquet actually contains of 6 sunflowers, 10 lilies and hydrangeas. May be the shop owner should put this in somewhere exposed to bring the shop more decorative and colourful who knows may be can attract more customer to their shop.

Jawa palm tree

As the Jawa Palm tree is very popular to put indoor like home and office, me and my wife and our son went to one of the flower and plant garden to look for it. The garden we went is just about 30mins from our home. This garden named "Katsura Garden and Tea". When we reached there, we felt that we are at the beach due to comfortably of windy environment, greenness of plants, colourful of flowers and good arrangement of flowers and plants and last but not least the friendly staff who served us. Based on the information given by the staff, jawa palm tree is the most suitable plant to put indoor specially beside the door. After we search for the best jawa palm tree, we decided to buy this jawa palm tree priced RM$25. When we reached home, i put this plant just beside our main door and it made our place more better and will bring us good feeling when we come back home.

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